Ich bin Cary Grant

Diesen netten Test habe ich bei Paulae gesehen.
Und mußte ihn auch gleich ausprobieren.

Your Score: Cary Grant

You scored 26% Tough, 4% Roguish, 23% Friendly, and 47% Charming!

Cary Grant

You are the epitome of charm and style, the smooth operator who steals the show with your sophisticated wit and quiet confidence. You are able to catch any woman you want just by flashing that disarming smile. When you walk into a room, the women are instantly intrigued and even the men are impressed. When you find yourself in trouble, you are easily able to charm your way out of it, or convince others to help you. You’re seen as dashing, suave and romantic. Your co-stars include Katharine Hepburn, Irene Dunne, and Joan Fontaine, stylish women who know a class act when they see it.

Cary Grant mochte ich schon immer sehr gerne, damit kann ich leben. :yes:

Und dann wollte ich natürlich wissen, welche Schauspielerin ich wäre und probierte diesen Test aus.

Your Score: Katharine Hepburn

You scored 16% grit, 38% wit, 52% flair, and 11% class!

Katharine Hepburn

You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women.

Perfekt. Die ist meine Favoritin, die kann ich gut leiden.


  • Paulae Antworten

    Da hast du ja gleich das Traumpaar des Films schlechthin erwischt. :>>

    • CarrieTheCat Antworten


      Und wie gesagt, die kann ich beide gut leiden.

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